大里平價美食小吃! 適合$100內想吃飽飽的朋友~
店家資訊/ Information
店家: 上品麵食館
電話: 04-2495 3691
營業時間: 11:00-14:00/ 16:30-21:30
地址: 412台中市大里區塗城路633-7號
Name: 上品麵食館
TEL: 04-2495 3691
OPEN: 11:00-14:00/ 16:30-21:30
Address: No. 633-7, Tucheng Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City 412, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Let's GO!!
位於大里車流量超大的塗城路上,開車來絕對沒位置喔! 連機車都不太好找了~
There isn't an EN menu, so you can try the below meal that I've tried, I think is delicious!
-蒸餃 (10顆)/ Steamed dumpling _$45
蒸餃推推! 不大顆,像是一口蒸餃,咬在嘴裡有爆油汁的感覺~! 配上辣醬+薑絲的完美組合,很容易一口接一口就吃完了XD
-青椒牛肉炒飯/ Green pepper with beef fried rice _$85
從照片看出來還算粒粒分明~味道有水平標準,分量大,可以吃很飽! 個人覺得價位跟美味度有成比例!
-酸辣湯/ Hot and sour soup _$40
這間在google 評價只有3.9顆星,也很多人留負評。但實際上生意好到不行
?! 尤其是很多電話訂單。所以我覺得有興趣的還是可以去嘗試~畢竟口味因人而異,google平價也是僅供參考而已~
我自己是覺得蠻好吃的! 怕等太久建議就提早先電話預訂,以免會等到爆氣…我也是等了30幾分鐘喔@@
There are only 3.9 stars on google evaluation, also many people leave the negative comment… but this restaurant still many customers! If you’re interested in this restaurant, please try it! Because there are many different opinions between different people. By the way, there are so many people who order the meal at regular eating time, so if you don’t want to wait so long, please have a meal earlier!
謝謝閱讀胖狗狗的美食推薦日記~喜歡的朋友再幫我分享出去喔~Thank U& LOVE U
Thanks for reading ‘’FAT DOG’’ like to eat diary, please help me to share if you like it~ LOVE U